Booklet: $77 (FREE shipping worldwide)

Asteria is the first Silas Linden Exclusive release.
Only 100 copies will be available of this short and powerful booklet. 

Propless Shooting Star Manifestation!

In performing "Asteria" you will be able to facilitate a poetic moment of Elemental Manipulation and Mentalism.

You are enjoying a magical night star with a beautiful companion.
Ask her to focus in a wish. You will be able to reveal several aspects of that wish using your mentalistic abilities.
She opens her eyes and contemplate with you the night sky. After some moments a shooting star will appear, closing the experience in a mysterious and symbolic manner.

No fake lights
100% propless
Several ideas and variants are taught

Asteria is not just a performance piece, but a short masterclass in your own awe cultivation based in two fascinating and workable psychological principle.
This is not beginner material. 
Asteria is for the advanced Mystery Performance Student. 

If you want to learn a powerful "reality shaping" secret, 
add Asteria in your toolkit today!

You will receive FULL rights for TV and video performance.

(We reserve our sales right if we suspect piracy intention)

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